Create Right Click Command Prompt option

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You tin right-click a folder to top away a listing of actions yous tin utilise to it. Here?s a agency to practise an activity on that right-click carte du jour that opens a ascendancy prompt window alongside that folder equally the electrical flow directory. In a text editor such equally Notepad , type the next exactly:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\Cmd Here]

@=?Command &Prompt Here?

[HKEY_CLASSES-ROOT\Folder\shell\Cmd Here\command]

@=?cmd.exe /k pushd %L?

Save the file alongside whatsoever elevate yous desire , alongside a .reg extension. Then double-click the saved file as well as select Yes to merge the file?s data into the Registry. You tin delete the file. Right-click whatsoever folder as well as you?ll run across the CommandPrompt Here option.