Cheap & Free Negative PPC Keywords

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Following upward on a recent transportation service regarding negative keywords (200+ Negative keywords for B2B Campaigns) I stumbled upon an fantabulous transportation service regarding edifice a negative keyword listing for 'cheap' & 'free' pay per click keywords over at Jennifer Sleg's Blog.

Enjoy her transportation service below:

There are ever those people who are looking for things for free… fifty-fifty when you lot know that what they are looking for isn’t unloose (looking for a “Free iPod” or “Free XBox” anyone?). But when you lot are wide matching your PPC campaigns , you lot desire to ensure you lot aren’t paying for ads when it is the freeloaders looking.

Here is a listing of mutual freeloading keywords that you lot tin flame add together to your negative keyword list.

complimentary (and mispellings of the word)
“free download”
“free sample”

If you lot sell whatever form of software or subscription service , you lot volition also desire to add together these keywords to your negative keyword listing too.


Now , if you lot are offering something for unloose , you lot remove to receive got assist that you lot aren’t truly losing traffic because if this , such equally if you lot are offering a unloose consultation or unloose eBook!

Not certain if you lot are getting traffic from whatever of these freeloading keywords currently? If you lot are using dynamic keyword insertion inward your URLs , you lot volition hold upward able to rail the exact keywords people are using when they click your ad. So if you lot are selling iPods or XBoxes , you lot tin flame encounter how many of those people were truly looking for unloose iPods or XBoxes , together with non seriously looking to buy one. People looking for freebies rarely convert , specially when they are searching for these types of products.

Cheap tin flame hold upward a tricky 1 , because inward some markets it tin flame travel good , but inward others it is much harder to convert. If you lot are selling a service , for illustration , you lot don’t necessarily desire to hold upward known equally “cheap” , especially if customers are paying a premium for your service… if you lot are skillful at what you lot create you lot tin flame accuse a premium for it that mortal novel or non equally good known wouldn’t hold upward able to do. If you lot are selling a production that you lot are pricing really competitively , this tin flame hold upward a skillful converting keyword for you. Remember people who are using the keyword “cheap” are unremarkably shopping around for the best possible toll together with mightiness hitting iv dissimilar advertisers looking for which 1 is the cheapest. So if you lot are the cheapest you lot receive got a much higher hazard of converting… but if you lot aren’t , this is 1 you lot volition desire to either scout really carefully for conversions or add together to your negative keyword list. Bottom line: “cheap” tin flame hold upward successful if whatever you lot are selling or offering is the cheapest , but people are looking for the cheapest higher upward anything else you lot tin flame offering together with your conversion charge per unit of measurement volition reverberate this.

Once you lot receive got selected which negative freebie keywords you lot remove to add together , exactly cutting together with glue it into your PPC campaigns then that you lot volition no longer hold upward serving upward wide agree ads when they keywords searched for include those words.